The Movie
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on Sunday, April 26, 2009
I met him through a friend. He’s name is Cris and mine is Kris. We laughed because our names sound alike. =) . By the time we were introduced to each other by a common friend, I already noticed his obvious beauty. His eyes are round and expressive. They glow with feelings and emotions. His lips are in perfect shape, not so full, not so thin just perfectly good. He is skinny yet attractive in my own perception. But his very asset, which struck me most and left me in awe, was his bouncy shiny hair. It makes him totally gorgeous.
“Hi Kris,” he said with a soft and warm voice. Painted with a sweet smile, my face blushed. I looked at him and our eyes met. I then answered back “hello there Cris, have a seat =).”
I started the conversation to make the moment not dull. I asked where they were before they went over my place. He said they watched a horror suspense movie. Excitedly, I asked him to retell the movie for me.
At first, I was closely listening to his every word. I lean forward to hear him clearer. I looked at him and listened enthusiastically. A moment later, I didn’t pay attention to what he was saying anymore; I got focused on his ways, the blink of his eyes, his not-so-fake smile, and the move of his hair every time his fingers comb it from his forehead to his nape. The day ended with sweet “goodnights” and “see ya” yet I never knew how the story goes and ends, all I know was his beautiful ways.
I enjoyed his company. He is funny with sense.
Our first meeting was really good but after that we never had a chance to bond with each other again. Our class schedules aren’t that friendly to us. I seldom see him in the campus but when I do, great things happen; Butterflies would be around, flying with scents; Soft music would be playing on my psyche; Flowers would be falling from the sky. But all of a sudden, with just a snap, a blink of an eye, everything would go back to normal, watch him pass by me. Moments like this just rewind until the semester ends.
I was losing hope of going near him. Unexpectedly, on a hot summer afternoon, about 3 in the afternoon, I received an SMS from an unregistered number on my phone. Soon after, I knew it was him...
My little knowledge of who he was plus his unique messaging resulted to the formulation of an image, the image of my perfect man.
Fantasizing and giving other meanings to his texts supplemented my lacks- that is the desire of being with him whenever I want to.
Our first acquaintance-bonding was his retelling of a movie. I never expected he’d invite me to watch a movie in the movie house. By the time he asked me out, I abruptly said yes, no hesitations, no doubt.
I met him again. I looked at him closely. He’s very the same and so was the feeling. I wanted to hug him tight to feel his warmth yet a blanket of bashfulness covered the entire me and hindered me to do so. The movie started and I got to know him better in front of the cinema screen. I’ve got the pleasure of time watching him sleep in front of the cinema screen. Looking at him, his lips are very inviting yet I resisted the call of my flesh and redirected the window of my being to the big cinema screen. I closed my eyes and put my head on his shoulder wishing we’ll be meeting on a common dream.
dw nkarel8 ko da ah
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