Dooms and darks of the world cover me. The shadows of unearthly fates flash before my eyes. My heart is so heavy that it can hardly

Love starts at the fifth tick of the second hand, notice it after five days, develops in five months and expires in five years. tolerable number of strikes.., five. Tolerable number of mistakes.., five it's THE RULE OF FIFTHS.
Nature, perhaps. I see the world to be sunny yet slightly windy. The king of light and heat is up. It is yellow and hot. The sky is blue, free from dark nimbus clouds. Grasses are bright green and flowers are really in bloom. The water is rushing to the shore excited to splash in rocks. The multi-colored butterflies are sipping the tasty nectars from blossom to blossom. I hear the birds singing a melodious tune, the sound of shallow river that runs through the valleys and plains, the music brought by the swaying leaves and dancing trunks of the trees as light a breeze blows in. These sounds tickles my eardrums. I smell the aroma of flowering plants that tingles my nostrils and the scent of the fresh air air and saline water of the sea. I feel the touch of the breeze blowing from the ocean and the soft and smooth petals of wild orchids that soothes my skin.
Sports, perhaps. It is winning the championship game, shooting the ball in the basket in the last second, making a home base and hitting the bull's eye.
Love, of course. When the girl says 'yes' to the suitor, when the husband never forgets the birthday of his wife, when the wife kisses her husband goodnight. It is so deep, too deep that I cannot fathom. It is everywhere. Discover it. It is a matter of seeing things not the way they are but the way you want it to be.